Making Sense in Engineering and the Technical Sciences: A Student's Guide to Research and Writing

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Part of the bestselling Making Sense series, Making Sense in Engineering and the Technical Sciences: A Student's Guide to Research and Writing, Fourth Edition, is an indispensable research and writing guide for students in any area of the discipline--from electrical and mechanical engineering to systems design and computer science. Maintaining the signature straightforward style of the series, the fourth edition outlines the general principles of style, grammar, and usage, while covering such issues as how to prepare proposals and project reports, how to write lab reports, and how to follow the conventions governing the use of diagrams and graphics. Concise and accessible, with new information on technology-based research and group presentations, this latest edition continues to be an invaluable reference for students throughout their academic careers and beyond.FEATURESAuthoritative. With over twenty-five years of proven success, the Making Sense series is known for its clear and concise approach to research and writing in all areas of undergraduate study.Current. Up-to-date, in-depth information ensures students are well-equipped with the knowledge they will need to communicate successfully.Comprehensive. The book offers step-by-step instructions on a range of topics such as reporting the results of lab assignments, writing summaries and abstracts, and creating powerful visual aids. It also includes advice on time management, avoiding plagiarism, studying for tests and exams, and preparing résumés and letters of application.Practical. Offering practical advice and a rich variety of examples, the book helps students overcome common pitfalls in grammar, style, punctuation, and usage.Accessible and concise. The student-friendly writing style assumes no prior knowledge of the discipline and allows readers to use this book either as a quick and casual reference or as a text that can easily be read from cover to cover.Helpful learning, review, and reference tools. Pedagogical features--including new learning objectives, chapter introductions and conclusions, writing checklists, an end-of-text glossary, a "mini" index of main points discussed in the text, and a useful list of proofreading symbols--help students grasp the material. A recurring marginal icon alerts students to passages that discuss ways they can use technology to enhance their work.NEW TO THIS EDITIONUpdated and revised. All dates and examples have been updated throughout and new material on evaluating Internet sources and technology-based research reflects continuing trends in the field.Current documentation guidelines. Offering an increased emphasis on documenting electronic sources the fourth edition includes the latest guidelines for IEEE, APA, CSE, and MLA style documentation and referencing. Expanded coverage of presentations. Chapter 7, "Giving Presentations," provides greater coverage of the presentation materials specific to engineering and stresses the importance of electronic presentations. This chapter also presents revised and expanded guidelines for preparing and delivering oral presentations, helping students develop the skills and confidence needed to present in front of a group.A new mini-index. A quick and reliable in-text reference, the checklist on inside-front cover outlines the most common research and writing issues. - from Amzon
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